===== Ubuntu Guest VM 1920x1080 Default ===== Instructions adapted from: [[http://askubuntu.com/questions/6033/enabling-nvidia-driver-messes-up-splash-screen|http://askubuntu.com/questions/6033/enabling-nvidia-driver-messes-up-splash-screen]] Add the following to /etc/default/grub (below GRUB_GFXMODE): GRUB_GFXPAYLOAD_LINUX=1920x1080 Create a file /etc/initframfs-tools/conf.d/splash containing: FRAMEBUFFER=y Run the following commands to finish: sudo update-grub2 sudo update-initramfs -u After doing this, the Ubuntu splash screen should be 1920×1080 and it should boot directly into that same resolution at the login screen. It will also keep that same resolution as it goes into your graphical session.