===== Building MacGated for BeagleBone Black =====
Do these steps directly on the BeagleBone Black for easier setup.
==== Download the packages to install: ====
* [[http://sourceforge.net/projects/netatalk/files/netatalk/2.2.5/|netatalk 2.2.5]]
* [[http://sourceforge.net/p/macgated/code/ci/master/tree/|MacGated updated for modern kernels]]
==== Install prerequisites: ====
sudo apt-get install libdb5.1-dev libwrap0-dev
==== Build libatalk: ====
We have to build libatalk (included with netatalk) which is a static library that MacGated needs. You can still use Ubuntu's distribution of netatalk 2.2.x with the final setup, but we're going to have to build our own libatalk.
=== Apply patch: ===
- In include/atalk/acl.h on line 56, change "#define O_NETATALK_ACL" to "#define O_NETATALK_ACL 0"
=== Actually build it: ===
cd netatalk-2.2.5
./configure --enable-ddp
cd libatalk
The "make" command takes a while to complete, especially since you're doing it directly on the BBB. Technically it's possible to cross-compile, but getting library dependencies ready would be a huge pain.
==== Build MacGated: ====
The Makefile will need to be patched to point to your built libatalk. In these example changes, assume that the netatalk source directory "netatalk-2.2.5" is at the same level as the macgated source directory.
=== Patch the Makefile ===
Add this line at the top:
Add to CFLAGS:
-I ../netatalk-2.2.5/sys -I ../netatalk-2.2.5/include
Now build it:
This should give you all the binaries you need! Check out the "init" script for details about how to use it.